Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Scientists found new cancer treatments causing no harm to healthy cells

A new study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, has identifying a protein modification that specifically supports proliferation and survival of tumour cells.

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Scientists have found new cancer therapies that don’t have the side effects that oftentimes accompany many current cancer treatments by identifying a protein modification that specifically supports proliferation and survival of tumour cells.

Depending on the kind of cancer and the type of treatment, a patient might suffer from many side effects, including anaemia, loss of appetite, bleeding, bruising, constipation, delirium, diarrhoea, fatigue, hair loss, nausea, sexual issues or bladder problems.

The findings were published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Scientists made a protein-modification discovery while studying neurofibromatosis type 2. The condition, commonly known as NF2, is characterized by the development of tumours of the nervous system called schwannomas.

“The hallmark of tumour cell behaviour is their uncontrolled growth. Tumours cells need to constantly produce energy and building blocks to replicate,” said Maca Franco, professor of biochemistry and biophysics.

Researchers found that schwannoma cells produce an oxidant and nitrating agent, peroxynitrite, which modifies an amino acid, tyrosine, in proteins. When tyrosine becomes nitrated in specific proteins, an effect is the reprogramming of the tumour cells’ metabolism, enabling them to proliferate.

“To sustain persistent growth, tumour cells change the way they produce energy and building blocks and present a signature metabolic phenotype that differs from that of normal cells,” said Franco.

She further added, “We discovered that peroxynitrite, the most powerful oxidant produced by cells, controls the metabolic changes that occur in tumour cells of the nervous system and supports their growth. We believe that there are specific proteins that when they become nitrated acquire a new function they did not have before, and this new function may control tumour growth.”

Peroxynitrite is produced at high levels in “pathological conditions,” she said – such as those found in tumours – but not in normal tissues. “This opens up the exciting possibility of targeting peroxynitrite production exclusively in tumour cells as a new therapeutic strategy for the treatment of tumours of the nervous system, with minimal to no side effects on normal tissues,” Franco added.

She continued, “We are uncovering a completely new category of targets for the treatment of solid tumours, and not only tumours of the nervous system – it may have broader implications for the treatment of several cancer types. We can go after proteins that usually aren’t modified in normal cells; we can target those modified proteins with inhibitors that don’t affect normal cells, hopefully developing treatment with minimal side effects.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Navratri weight loss diet plan: Three healthy fasting tips to lose weight and avoid gaining belly fat

Creating a well-balanced meal plan during Navratri fasting can certainly help you jump-start a weight loss process and burn that stubborn belly fat.

Navratri weight loss diet plan

Navratri, the season of fasting, is finally here! Navratri, also spelt Navaratri or Navarathri, is celebrated throughout the country in different ways. This year, the nine-day festival begins on October 10, 2018. During these nine days, devotees worship Goddess Durga to seek her divine blessings. Many of them also observe the ritualistic Navratri vrat or fast by not eating grains, pulses, non-vegetarian food and alcohol. Instead, they just take liquid foods, in remembrance of one of nine aspects of Shakti goddess. Fasting has been linked to many health benefits, from increased weight loss to a reduced risk for certain diseases and better mental health.

Fasting is also an excellent way to detox but it can take a toll on your body if not done in the right way. Perhaps, a healthy fasting is possible by eating the right foods in the right proportion. Hence, creating a well-balanced meal plan during the fasting period can certainly help you jump-start a weight loss process and burn that stubborn belly fat effectively. Here are a few eating tips to keep in mind during Navratri fasting to make sure it doesn’t affect your weight and health. Read - Navratri vrat: Here are five ways to control hunger pangs and boost weight loss

Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables
Including nutrient-dense fresh fruits and vegetables in your Navratri special diet will keep you full and rejuvenated during fasting, as well as, after you break the fast. For instance, try making mixed fruit chaat, which not just delicious but also easy to prepare and a healthy option. You can also opt for other healthier options like makhana, arbi, sabudana, sweet potatoes, and green leafy vegetables like broccoli and spinach - all of which are fasting staples and are loaded with essential minerals, nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that promote health and weight loss. Read - Does drinking warm lemon water on an empty stomach help with weight loss? Read to know

Avoid processed foods
Try to stay away from processed foods that are loaded with excess sodium and unhealthy fats as they can lead to weight gain. Avoid or limit consumption of fried puris, pakodas and potato chips - if you can’t avoid them. You must avoid eating foods from outside, especially if you want to detox your body. You must also remember that processed foods can cause a rapid rise or fall in blood sugar, which can increase hunger and result in overeating.

Stay hydrated
Whether you’re fasting or not, it’s a healthy way to begin your day with one or two glasses of water to promote your gut health. Water is an important part of your weight loss strategy. Apart from drinking enough water, choose hydrating drinks like buttermilk, fresh fruit juices, fresh coconut water, etc, to stay well-hydrated. This will also keep you satiated for longer periods of time and help you shed those extra inches in a healthy way.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How Much Water Should You Be Drinking Daily?

How Much Water Should You Be Drinking Daily?

Much has been said about the magic elixir water. Covering 70 percent of our planet and 60 percent of our own body, water is one of the key reasons of human survival and civilization in general. Yet despite its abundance, why is there a constant fixation to stay hydrated at all times? Even when you aren't particularly thirsty? That is because we keep losing water from our body, though urine and sweat.

And also because water carries out many important jobs, crucial for smooth running of our essential body functions such as flushing bacteria out of your bladder, aiding digestion, carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells, preventing constipation, maintaining the electrolyte(sodium) balance, etc.

But how much water should we be consuming everyday? For the longest time in the row, the eight glass water rule has garnered much attention in the health and fitness circle. However, some nutritionists say it is purely contingent of the lifestyle. Since almost every system in the body needs water to function. The recommended intake varies from factors to factors including sex, age, activity level, and others, such as pregnancy and breastfeeding.


What is the Eight Glass Water Rule? 

According to the rule, one should drink eight glasses, each consisting of eight ounce of water, which equals to about two liters, or half a gallon daily. While eight glasses rule can work as a good starting point, the theory is not based on solid, well-researched information.

The need differs from person to person. And one should contact their doctors to know their actual need. If you are leading a sedantary lifestyle, in an air-conditioned environment, with limited scope of water loss through sweat and urine, two to two and a half liters a day should suffice. Further intake can end up in excess concentration of water in the kidneys, causing edema.

Bangalore based nutritionist  Dr. Anju Sood says, "I recommend that a person should consume 2 and a half liters a day. To replenish the loss of water, this is essential. I have seen when people dehydrate and still do not drink water face problems like major headaches and even mood swings.However, it is also recommended that the water intake needs to increase if the activity pattern of the person is very high like athletes or person into heavy gym, as they would be losing water in higher amounts."

According to Consultant nutritionist Dr. Rupali Datta, "Eight glasses per day is just an approximate count, for that matter even 4 glasses in the morning does not have a solid scientific basis to it. However as per expert recommendation it is 35 ml per KG body weight. "

Further highlighting the significance of high overall fluid intake she says, "The idea is to keep yourselves hydrated at all times, which in summers becomes all the more essential. Plain water is the healthiest liquid, but you can also supplement it with more non calorie natural fluids like chaas, and nimbu paani. Fresh juices also work, provided they are not bottled or the packaged ones you find in the market.

Water Intake for Summers

According to Dr. Rupali, one must carry a water bottle around at all times. And even before stepping out, to prevent yourself from dehydration, make sure you have chugged down enough water down your throats,"to make up for the sodium and potassium needs" for the tough day.


Ayurveda also recommends on loading up on the wonder liquid this season.

According to Dr. Keerti Gupta from Kirti Ayurvedic Hospital & Research Center, "Summer is called as the "Pitta Season" and afternoon time is Pitta Kaal, which is hottest time of the day, therefore, Ayurveda suggests that you should drink maximum water during this period so as to maintain the body temperature.

You could also incorporate some small changes including adding Pitta pacifying ingredients in water that help maintain body heat. Some of the ingredients include lemon, mint, kokum, and fennel seeds, khaskhas and rose petals.

With the temperatures reaching its peak- this is the elixir which will help you beat the scorching heat.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Myths Of Meditation

Despite its growing popularity and reach, the practice of meditation is clouded by some misconceptions.

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Meditation has entered the mainstream of modern western culture, prescribed by physicians and practiced by everyone from business executives, artists,and scientists to students, teachers, military personnel, and, on a promising note, politicians. Despite the growing popularity of meditation,prevailing misconceptions about the practice are a barrier that prevents many from trying it.Here are seven common meditation myths dispelled.

1: Meditation is difficult:

Truth: This myth is rooted in the image of meditation as an esoteric practice reserved only for saints, holy men, and spiritual adepts.In reality,when you receive instruction from an experienced, knowledgeable teacher, meditation is easy and fun to learn.The techniques can be as simple as focusing on the breath or silently repeating a mantra. One reason why meditation may seem difficult is that we try too hard to concentrate, we’re overly attached to results, or we’re not sure we are doing it right.A teacher will help you understand what you’re experiencing, move past common roadblocks, and create a nourishing daily practice.

2:You have to quiet your mind in order to have a successful meditation practice.

Truth: This may be the number one myth about meditation and is the cause of many people giving up in frustration. Meditation isn’t about stopping our thoughts or trying to empty our mind — both of these approaches only create stress and more noisy internal chatter.We can’t stop or control our thoughts,but we can decide how much attention to give them. Although we can’t impose quiet on our mind, through meditation we can find the quiet that already exists in the space between our thoughts.Sometimes referred to as ‘the gap,’ this space between thoughts is pure consciousness,pure silence, and pure peace. When we meditate,we use an object of attention, such as our breath,an image, or a mantra, which allows our mind to relax into this silent stream of awareness.When thoughts arise, as they inevitably will,we don’t need to judge them or try to push them away. Instead, we gently return our attention to our object of attention. In every meditation, there are moments,even if only microseconds, when the mind dips into the gap and experiences the refreshment of pure awareness.As you meditate on a regular basis, you will spend more and more time in this state of expanded awareness and silence.

3: It takes years of dedicated practice to receive any benefits from meditation.

Truth: The benefits of meditation are both immediate and longterm. You can begin to experience benefits the first time you sit down to meditate and in the first few days of daily practice.Many scientific studies provide evidence that meditation has profound effects on the mind-body physiology within just weeks of practice.For example, a landmark study led by Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital found that as little as eight weeks of meditation not only helped people experience decreased anxiety and greater feelings of calm,it also produced growth in the areas of the brain associated with memory,empathy,sense of self, and stress regulation.

4: Meditation is escapism.

Truth: The real purpose of meditation isn’t to tune out and get away from it all but to tune in and get in touch with your true Self — that eternal aspect of yourself that goes beyond all the ever-changing,external circumstances of your life. In meditation, you dive below the mind’s churning surface, which tends to be filled with repetitive thoughts about the past and worries about the future, into the still point of pure consciousness. In this state of transcendent awareness,you let go of all the stories you’ve been telling yourself about who you are, what is limiting you, and where you fall short — and you experience the truth that your deepest Self is infinite and unbounded. As you practise on a regular basis, you cleanse the windows of perception and your clarity expands.While some people do try to use meditation as a form of escape — as a way to bypass unresolved emotional issues — this approach runs counter to all of the wisdom teachings about meditation and mindfulness. In fact, a variety of meditation techniques have been developed to identify, mobilise and release stored emotional toxicity.

5: I don’t have time to meditate.

Truth: There are busy, productive executives who have not missed a meditation in 25 years,and if you make meditation a priority, you will do it. If you feel like your schedule is too full, remember that even just a few minutes of meditation is better than none.We encourage you not to talk yourself out of meditating just because it’s a bit late or you feel too sleepy. In life’s paradoxical way, when we spend time meditating on a regular basis, we actually have more time.When we meditate,we dip in and out of the timeless, spaceless realm of consciousness... the state of pure awareness that is the source of everything that manifests in the universe.Our breathing and heart rate slow down, our BP lowers, and our body decreases the production of stress hormones and other chemicals that speed up the ageing process and give us the subjective feeling that we are ‘running out of time.’ In meditation, we are in restful alertness that is extremely refreshing for the body and mind. As people stick with their meditation ritual, they notice that they are able to accomplish more while doing less. Instead of struggling to achieve goals, they spend more and more time ‘in the flow’ — aligned with universal intelligence that orchestrates everything.

6: Meditation requires spiritual or religious beliefs.

Truth: Meditation is a practice that takes us beyond the noisy chatter of the mind into stillness and silence. It doesn’t require a specific spiritual belief,and many people of many different religions practise meditation without any conflict with their current religious beliefs. Some meditators have no particular religious beliefs or are atheist or agnostic. They meditate in order to experience inner quiet and the numerous physical and mental health benefits of the practice — including lowered blood pressure, stress reduction, and restful sleep.

7: I’m supposed to have transcendent experiences in meditation.

 Truth: Some people are disappointed when they don’t experience visions,see colours, levitate, hear a choir of angels, or glimpse enlightenment when they meditate.Although we can have a variety of wonderful experiences when we meditate, including feelings of bliss and oneness,these aren’t the purpose of the practice.The real benefits of meditation are what happens in the other hours of the day when we’re going about our daily lives.When we emerge from our meditation session, we carry some of the stillness and silence of our practice with us,allowing us to be more creative, compassionate, centred, and loving to ourselves and everyone we encounter.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

15 Tips to Help You Lose Weight without Exercise

If you’re trying to lose weight, you probably know that you need to eat well and exercise. What if that’s not necessarily true?

general, if you expend more calories than you take in, you’ll lose weight.

However, torching calories by pounding your feet to an aerobics DVD or working out in the gym may not be as effective as you’d think.

According to an article in Women’s Health Mag, many studies have found that the number of calories burned during exercise doesn’t always equate to the fat or weight loss that you’d expect.

Even if you don’t change your eating habits, working out might not help you lose that much weight.
Also, some people binge eat after exercising, negating the calorie burn.

Exercising is good for your heart and lungs, so don’t curl up on the couch because I just blew your mind with this new information.

However, try some of these tips to help you lose weight without focusing on exercise as a weight loss motivator.

  • Add coconut oil to your diet:- Coconut oil can actually help you lose weight!

The best way to use coconut oil is to replace other fats with it. Don’t just add several tablespoons of coconut oil to your diet every day, or you’ll be increasing your calorie intake by 120 calories per tablespoon.
  •  Chew your food more thoroughly:- Research shows that gulping down your food can prevent

your intestines from releasing the hormones and chemicals necessary to properly digest your food.
Chew each bite until it has the consistency of applesauce before swallowing.

  • Drink Cold water:- Although Chinese medicine recommends drinking warm water so that you don’t shock the system, the people behind Eat This, Not That reported on a study showing that people who drank ice water increased their metabolism by 30%.

Drinking adequate amounts of water can also keep your metabolism flowing and stave off hunger pangs.

  • Eat more protein:- Your body actually burns calories just by digesting the protein you eat.

Research shows that a high-protein diet can boost your metabolism and keep you feeling fuller longer.
Add some protein powder into your diet if you struggle with getting enough meat or other high protein sources throughout your day.

  • Consume more fiber:- Whatever you’re doing to try to lose weight, eating more fiber can help.

Adding fiber to your diet without making any other changes can make you lose the same amount of weight as people who follow the low-fat diet that’s recommended.

  • Use smaller plates:- If your plate is huge, it’s going to look as though you have a lot of empty space that could accommodate more food. Psychologically, this may make you want to eat more.

Plus, you can load up a larger plate with more calories. Use smaller dishware, and fill up your plate.
You’ll trick yourself into thinking that you’re eating more. You can always go back for seconds.

  • Don’t buy unhealthy foods:- This may go without saying, but if you have unhealthy food in your house, you’re going to eat it. Stock up on healthy, fresh foods that satisfy your cravings for crunch and a feeling of fullness.

  • Take probiotics:- Taking probiotics can help you lose weight. Experts say that probiotics that contain Lactobactillus gasseri can help your body absorb less fat from the foods that you eat.

The best way to start healing your gut and bringing back a balance of healthy gut bacteria is to start taking a probiotics supplement.

  • Get more sleep:- Sleep controls your diet, changes your fat cells, increases your cravings and makes your workouts less effective.

Lack of sleep can make you: Hungrier
Less satisfied after eating
Metabolize sugar in the blood less effectively
Lose the willpower to avoid unhealthy foods

  • Try intermittent fasting:- A lot of red flags immediately go up when the term “fasting” is mentioned, but hear us out first.

Intermittent fasting has LOADS of health benefits and has been scientifically proven to help you lose weight.
Don’t fret.  You’ll never go sun-up to sun-down without eating.
You simply eat your last meal of the day at 5 pm (or 6 or 7), and then you don’t eat anything again until the following day at the time (5 pm, or 6 or 7).
It helps you keep your calories low for the day, and it teaches you a lot about boredom and stress eating!

  • Consume enough calcium:- If you’re already watching what you eat, research shows that you can augment your weight loss efforts by taking in enough calcium.

This effect is even more pronounced if you eat dairy products (as opposed to just taking a calcium supplement).
This calcium supplement by Nature Made also contains Vitamin D, another nutrient that most people are deficient in.
Another benefit to eating more calcium is that you’ll burn more fat around the abdominal region.

  • Stop stressing out:- Stress can not only make you gain weight, but it can also make you want to eat more, burn fat less effectively and drown your willpower in the toilet.

Cortisol, a stress hormone, makes your body store more fat and sugar.
Today, we stress out over things that don’t always make us move our bodies more. That can result in an unhealthy attachment to extra weight.
Practicing relaxation techniques can help you lower anxiety, making your weight loss efforts more effective.

  • Cut down on sugar:- Eating too much sugar causes inflammation, fat gain, diabetes and other health issues.

Eating more calories and less sugar can help you automatically lose weight.
A sugar detox can make your body better at turning calories into fuel, resulting in weight loss.

  • Brush your teeth:- If the delicious flavor of that peanut butter and banana you just ate lingers on your tongue, you might be more likely to go back for more food.

Cut your cravings by brushing your teeth after each meal.
Food doesn’t taste as good when you eat it with a minty mouth. This is especially effective after dinner when you might be more likely to fall prey to snacking in front of the TV.

  • Be more mindful:- We’re lost in a culture of getting more done in less time. Many people multitask by eating in front of the computer or smart phone.

Have you ever done this and looked down to see a clean plate? Did you wonder who ate your food?
If you don’t pay attention to what you eat, you might want more psychologically even though your belly is full. Research shows that mindful eating can change eating behaviors and improve weight loss.

Top Benefits Of Limcee Vitamin-C Chewable tab

Limcee top benefits

You should ideally get your vitamins from the food you eat. However, some medical conditions will prevent your body from absorbing the right amount of vitamins. This is when vitamin supplements come in handy.

limcee vitamin c supplement

Limcee is a Vitamin C tablet available in India. It is available in a chewable form, which makes it fun to take. Just pop one in after dinner and you should be good for the day. So, is this tablet really necessary? I mean eating citrus fruits will take care of your daily Vitamin C needs right? So why don’t you just eat an orange or drink a glass of lemonade instead?

Top Benefits Of Limcee Vitamin-C Chewable tab To keep your body in place: Our body needs Vitamin C for multiple purposes, but none is as important as that to make a protein collagen. Collagen helps bind your tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, skin and other organs together- basically holds your body together. This is one of the reasons why bleeding gums is a prime symptom of Vitamin C deficiency.

It builds immunity: Against most diseases and infections. Limcee actually helps heal any cuts and wounds faster by strengthening your immunity system and by improving your collagen production.

Helps relieve common cold: Now, we are all aware that common cold has no cure but your days spent in wetting the hanky will be reduced by a long run just by consuming Vitamin C tablets. It boosts your immunity, helping your body fend off the common cold virus.

Helps with stress: Continual stress over a regular basis can lead to a lot of dangerous medical conditions which can harm you both physically and psychologically. Limcee can help keep your stress levels in check.

Use it as an antioxidant: It prevents the growth of oxidative stress, more commonly known as cellular rust, which can lead to severe medical conditions such as atherosclerosis, which can be dangerous for the heart, and cause stroke.

Ensures proper blood flow: It dilates your blood vessels and helps with an unobstructed blood flow. High cholesterol, BP, heart congestion and other heart related problems will constrict the blood vessels making it hard on the heart to pump blood continuously. A vitamin C intake will relax the blood vessels making blood flow easier throughout the body. (Read more about it here)

Weight loss: This is how you lose weight. People always advise you to eat healthy if you are trying to lose weight- you know, fresh fruits and vegetables, do that an add a Limcee tablet once every couple of days or so. Vitamin C lowers insulin, hence instead of storing the sugar as fats they are instantly burned as fuel.

Helps with better eyesight: Vitamin C is great to keep your eyesight in good shape. Limcee tablets are prescribed for people with cataracts for this very reason; it clears away the cloudiness and helps better their vision.

Vitamin C is the king of all vitamins, it basically helps you improve your health on the whole and provides many benefits.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Crohn's Disease: Diet and Nutrition

Foods don’t cause Crohn's disease, but they can make it worse. So it’s important to pay attention to what you eat. That can help you control your symptoms
Don't Eat Problem Foods

Keep a food diary to figure out if what you eat is an issue. Some things may only be a problem during flares. The choices that sometimes cause trouble for people with Crohn's include some whole foods and vegetables, as well as:
High-fat, greasy, and fried foods, like: Cream sauces, Butter, Margarine, Anything deep-fried

High-fiber foods like: Corn, Popcorn, Seeds, Nuts
Milk and dairy-based foods like ice cream can cause problems, too. If you have diarrhea, belly pain, or gas after having some, you may not be able to digest it. This is lactose intolerance. Lactase pills can help.

How to Eat During a Flare
There are ways to help yourself feel better if you have a flare: Eat soft, bland foods. Don’t eat anything spicy or high in fiber.

Eat smaller meals, and eat more often.  Eat five small meals instead of three large ones.

Drink plenty of fluids. Chronic diarrhea can dehydrate you, which can make you feel weak and tired. It can also cause kidney stones. You'll definitely need to avoid sodas and caffeinated drinks. They can bother your stomach. If you need other options besides water, talk to your doctor.
If your symptoms make it tough for you to eat well, ask your doctor if you need one.

Track what you eat.
Adjust your diet so you have fewer symptoms during flares.
Make sure you get enough calories and the nourishment you need.

You may need to boost your diet with vitamins, minerals, and other supplements. Talk to your doctor before you try any. Most likely, they'll suggest daily multivitamin and other supplements to help replace:

B vitamins: Crohn's can make you low in B12. And some Crohn's drugs make it hard for your body to take in folate, a type of B vitamin.
Vitamin D: You may not get enough of this vitamin, which helps you absorb calcium and keep your bones strong. Sunlight is one way you get it. So if you don't go outside often, live in the far northern parts of the U.S., or if you take corticosteroids for a long time, you probably don’t get enough.

Iron: Inflamed tissue in your intestines can cause bleeding, which can lower your levels.

Potassium: Diarrhea and some corticosteroid drugs can zap your stores of this mineral.

Magnesium: Chronic diarrhea, Crohn's in your small intestine, or having much of your intestine removed, can make it hard to get enough magnesium.

Calcium: If you can't eat dairy, or if your body doesn't take it well, you may not have enough. If you take corticosteroids for a long time, that can also cause bone loss.

In some cases, your doctor may suggest you have a nutrient-rich supplement. You get this through a feeding tube that goes from your nose to your stomach. It's usually done in a hospital.

Can Probiotics Help?
When the balance between helpful and harmful bacteria in your gut is off -- say, when you take an antibiotic -- it can cause diarrhea and other problems.

Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria that help keep harmful bacteria in check. Researchers are looking at whether they can help ease Crohn's symptoms and help people avoid flares. Ask your doctor if probiotics are right for you.